Career Coaching & Leadership Development

Strong performance is key to any business, and investment in people development is what sets successful companies apart from the competition. Whether it’s the right training for the job or career development for managers at all levels, we know that employees are motivated by having the right training and support in place. We feel inspired when we know that we are valued, and training and development is a really positive way for a business to express this ethos.

Career Coaching

  • Provide career coaching to develop and retain talent
  • Provide leadership development coaching for managers and directors
  • Support graduates in the first few months of employment
  • Offering a bespoke outplacement service to affected employees, including redundancy counselling, career coaching and access to financial advising

Assessment & Development Centres

  • Design of competency profiles
  • Design, develop and deliver Assessment and Development Centres
  • Provide results, reports and feedback
  • Create individual development plans
  • Assessor training


  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Create a Training Strategy
  • Create an objective process to measure the success of training initiatives

Specific Programmes

  • Selection Interview Skills
  • Performance Management
  • Absence Management
  • Employment Law
  • Redundancy
  • Stress Management
  • A wide range of behavioural programmes
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Change Management
  • Communication skills
  • Belbin
  • Myers Briggs
  • Building Resilience